Thursday, September 30, 2010

Challenge: Headband Holder for Baby / Little Girl

Well here we go!  This should be a fun one ~ let's make headband holders for little ones to keep track of their crocheted and/or band type headbands!  Basically very little expense involved .. get creative and I'd betcha there is something around the house you can use!  ;o)

I'm thinking pink .. or do I want mixed colors .. or do I want um um um .. where's my scrapbook paper .. do I have any of those little glitter dot things .. oh .. what can the Cricut make for me .. can I call it a headband holder and use it for other things .. yep, oh boy!!

If you do a search on Etsy, Zibbet, Ebay or just Google "headband holder" there should be lots of different ideas out there ~ and many creative ones that are even multipurpose! 

Any color, any theme ~ obviously girlie unless there is something you can think of that would be equally useful in boy colors/themes.  You know, like maybe to keep baby frogs on the dresser or something .. ?

So, very few rules here ~

Finished holder shouldn't be more than 10-12 inches tall
Diameter is based on which type bands the holder will support
Deadline:  October 7
Picture and 'story' must be emailed to prior to deadline

Once again - this is for fun or we can trade if we have enough people playing to trade with ~ get movin!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

TaDa! The third bow - finally!

Finally ~ almost got busted on the deadline for this one ~ it's so pretty outside today and I putzed til it got late .. oops!  Another cute one .. but also another one that I need to practice .. didn't realize all the pieces come apart and that would have made it a WHOLE LOT easier ~

Here ya go!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Korker Barrette - Gotta Practice this one!

Korkers .. are well .. umm 'corkers' .. and fun! This is the second one for my learning this week and it was fun although not so sure I've got it right. Rainy, icky day here in O'Fallon IL so why not bake ribbons .. LOL! Dowels, check. Grosgrain ribbon, check. Clothespins .. problem .. only have plastic ones so what'll I do .. hmmm .. tape will get all icky in the oven .. rubber bands will probably melt .. ok . here we go .. let's try to staple ribbon to the dowel .. yeah, put a round stick with ribbon in a normal stapler and try to get it to work .. yeehah .. it's gonna work!

Some directions say make ribbon wet after rolling on dowel rod .. some say put starch .. some say 200 degrees . some 250 .. so here's the upshot .. 250 x 20 minutes and voila .. I have curled ribbon!

Getting it on the barrette was the challenge .. plus adding beads .. first time around .. don't laugh ;o)))))

Mini Layered Clippie - Hair Clip for Baby

Tiny people sure need tiny things!  I'm used to boys so this was quite different to create!  What did I learn this time around .. hmm .. well for one thing tiny alligator clips are curved and hard to get a straight appearance to the bow .. so I opted for what seemed to be an easy one to try ..

So, started out lining the clip .. not too bad if glue all over me and the counter are part of the process .. easy!  Then the next layer .. the easiest of all .. make a circle and find the center of it .. THEN try to get it positioned on the clip.  Ok .. got it .. but the rules say button or bead and this is so so so tiny!  Found a button .. got it on there then had to manipulate it to get it kinda sorta ok ..

One down .. two more to go ..